Red Door Play Festival
The Red Door Play Festival (RDPF) is produced, directed, designed, and run by students. It is a festival of short plays presented in one weekend each semester. The number of plays varies with each semester and the festival is presented primarily in the Red Door in the bottom level of the Seegers Student Union.
Production Info - Production information will be given at MTA meetings and via email during the fall and spring semesters.
Auditions - A Google form will be sent out regarding self-tape auditions after plays are announced.
Casting - Directors of RDPF will choose their casts after auditions.
Cast Lists - Cast lists will be sent out via email.
Director Eligibility - Any active member of the MTA is eligible to direct a Red Door Play.
Stage Manager Eligibility - Any active member of the MTA is eligible to stage manage a Red Door Play.
Tech Week - Time is divided equally in the space among the various productions. Exact time of technical rehearsals are decided by the Red Door Play Festival Coordinator.
Performances - Each show will perform twice, once on Saturday and once on Sunday.