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MTA Studio Productions

MTA Studio Productions are produced, directed, designed, and run by the students. These shows are under 90 minutes in length and are staged in the Studio Theatre. The productions are funded through Muhlenberg Student Government. The number of MTA Studio Productions varies with each semester.

Spring 2022 Studios Poster 300dpi.jpg

Wanda's Visit

by Christopher Durang

Directed by Benjamin Godlberg

Photo by Elsie Miwa

Production info - Production information will be given at MTA meetings and via email during the fall and spring semesters. 

Auditions - Sign up sheets for audition time slots will be sent out digitally.  At the time of
auditions, each student MUST fill out a preference sheet no matter how many productions he or she is auditioning for.


Casting - Directors of MTA Studio Productions will choose their casts after auditions. Generally, no individual will be cast in more than one MTA Studio Production per semester. If an actor is desired by two directors, the individual's preference sheet will be used as the deciding factor.


Cast Lists - Cast lists will be sent out via email.

Director Eligibility -In order to be eligible for a directing spot must complete an acting course AND one of the following:

1) stage manage one Mainstage production

2) stage manage two MTA Studio productions

3) assistant direct one Mainstage production

4) complete a directing course


Designers and Design Eligibility - Designers are responsible for the implementation of their design. Designers must complete an application process with the Student Technical Directors and the MTA Studio Production Coordinator. In order to design for a MTA Studio Production, one must complete the stagecraft requirement AND one of the following:


1) a level one course in the appropriate design area OR
2) assistant design a Mainstage Production OR

3) assistant design two MTA Studio productions


(In the case that there are fewer qualified and willing designers than productions, students who are not yet qualified may apply to design a production by demonstrating their qualifications to the Student Head Carpenter and Electrician and the MTA Studio Productions Coordinator.) 

Stage Manager Eligibility - In order to stage manage an MTA Studio Production, one must go through an application process with the MTA Studio Productions Coordinator and the Student Head Carpenter and Electrician. A mentor may be assigned at the discretion of the Stage Manager Mentorship Program.  

Reserving a Space - The Stage Manager of the MTA Studio Production is responsible for contacting the MTA Studio Productions Coordinator in order to sign out rehearsal space.  The First Floor Rehearsal Hall
as well as the Upper and Lower Dance Studios are NOT available for MTA Studio Production rehearsals.

Tech Week -  MTA Studio Productions are only allowed into
the space ONE WEEK prior to the show’s opening.  Time is divided equally in the space among the various productions.  Exact time of technical rehearsals are decided by the MTA Studio Productions Coordinator.  Every person (including actors, directors, designers, stage managers) working on the MTA studio production must put in production hours at the discretion if the MTA Studio Production Team.   

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